Monday, November 12, 2012

OCTOBER 17TH, 2006


Current mood:sleepy
I am so annoyed right now.

I love my boyfriend and I love his family to death. They are the nicest people who will do anything for anyone, and they are real. I would do anything for any of them and I have, but tonight, I am kinda pissed off.

A few weeks ago my bf's sister told him he needed to pay his phone bill and that it was past due. (She has an account with several lines on it. Everyone in the house has a phone and they are all on the same account, which is under her name.) He paid the bill, with a little of my help, and lo and behold his phone gets shut off tonight. Which means EVERYONE'S phone is shut off. Which means he is going home to a houseful of pissed off people who paid their bills and now have no phones. Not to mention that his brother won't be able to contact anyone in the house either. He's not staying there while he's here in the states, and cell phones are his only means of communication with his mother, sisters, and brother. Boy, is my man pissed off.

Well, I hope everything will be all right. Just today, I gave his other sister my spare cell phone. I have two accounts and I just gave her my old phone. So at least there will be one working phone in the house. It's going to be crazy when the shit hits the fan.

I hate when people don't do what they say they are going to do. And I told him to insist he get his money back. I think it's only fair.