Sunday, November 27, 2005

Well, well, well.

In my last entry, I said that I had asked one of the best writers and bloggers I have read to link me in his journal. I went back there today to see if he had posted anything new and to scan through any new comments. (Every now and then he gets some crazy comments.) Someone commented on his entry, and then blasted me full force about my blog, stating that I was "unprofessional" and "vulgar." The vulgar thing I do understand, but the unprofessional I do not. If I were writing this for a grade, or an assessment of some kind, or even to impress someone, I can understand the point of professionalism. But in these entries, I am just me in all my glory, whether it be stories about my husband saying asanine things or stories about me doing asanine things. I scrolled through the entries on this page, and yesterday's entry could be shocking, I guess, to those who don't know me. I mean, writing about your husband telling you he was going to slit your throat is a perfect example of high self disclosure. But I prefer to be a high self disclosing person; this my journal, my blog, and I will write it any way I want to. I do understand that I am opening up myself to criticism by doing so, and I really don't mind people who are turned off by me, but like I said when I responded to his comment, I just hope people will take the time to read a few entries before making a judgment based on what I write here. I do not censor myself and I never have. I'm not going to start here, either. Judged by what he wrote, my guess is he only read that one entry. If he had scrolled down and read my entry about Tom, or maybe my entry about the video made for the Katrina victims, or my entry about daughter and basketball, he would have not been so scathing in his review. But it does not matter. I am me, and that's it. I'm going to swear, tell stories, and be myself. I know how to conduct myself in the business world, as well. Believe me, I never spoke this way to my clients or my employees. I know where the fine line is.

He also said I was without humor. Sheesh. I wasn't trying to be Eddie Murphy when I wrote that last entry. Matter of fact, I haven't been trying to be funny all that often. I just write what I want, when I want, however I want. That's the whole point of a blog, isn't it? If I was writing to be funny, I wouldn't be wasting my time on blogspot. You wouldn't believe how many people think I should try to write something worth publishing. The truth is, I'm working on it. In one of my entries, I stated that I was going to get out my laptop and start writing. Well, I did. I've been pretty busy and I only have about 50 pages written. I'll have more time to work on it when the semester ends in two weeks. Then I'll put more effort into it. If I get published, that would be wonderful. If I don't, then I keep on trying until I do. I know I can. It's just a matter of finding the quality and the story line that works for me.

That's all I wanted to say. For anyone new who happens to come here, please take a look around. You may find that you relate to this stuff; you may not. You may be shocked and surprised; you may not. Give it a chance and see what happens. In the meantime, I'll still be here in between pounding away at my laptop and I'll be happy to answer any questions anyone might have about this blog. Believe me, I'm up to the challenge.


MissJester said...

I am so excited to see you. Yes, someone wrote a nasty comment in the Waiter's journal, but I don't care. Really, it's the only nasty comment I've had so far. The guy that made the nasty comments about my blog was really rather mild compared to some of the things I have seen in other journals. At least he made his comments in a comprehensive fashion, rather than in dullard English, which is my token phrase for "people who think they're smart when they're really not." I just think that AOL people are somewhat worse. They will really and truly stalk you. I don't understand that. They're a whole other breed of people, mixed in with a few normal ones to create a healthy balance. LOL. Anyway, I am so glad to see you here. More importantly, I am so glad that you decided to keep blogging. The Blogspotters can be a little rough, but they're mostly a pretty good bunch. I can't wait to read!!!!