Thursday, November 10, 2005

Isn' t this so flattering? And isn't it SO me?

I used to have a blog on AOL that I wrote in when I was charting my diet stuff. It got boring writing down what I had to eat each day and instead I started writing about everything from politics to the skinny bitches at the gym. Being that this journal was on AOL, I had to censor most everything I said because the majority of the AOL community is made up of whining ass cry baby half wits that think words like "fuck" and "bitch" are "offensive." So I really wasn't able to let it all hang out. Well, here I can, and I love that I can, so what I did for the last few hours was go through my AOL journal and copied and pasted EACH AND EVERY ENTRY and emailed it to the email address I use for storage. Then I am going to post these old entries randomly. Most of them are not very entertaining, but there were a few that gave me a chuckle, like this one, which was written in April of 2004.

Okay...time for another Sondra list. I have nothing better to do, my cousin is watching TV with Shawn, and I am bored outta my gourd. (sp?) So I am going to make another list. Or two. Or maybe three. Who knows? And furthermore, who cares? LOL.

Okay, here we go.....
I don't like talking to strangers.
I can't stand crowds.
I have no patience.
I'm loud and I yell frequently.
I have a loud, barking laugh that is really embarassing.
I hate to not get my way, and usually, I find a way to get it.
I'm not usually friendly---I'm pretty stand-offish.
I am EXTREMELY competitive. In everything. Especially when I drive. I don't drive to get where I'm going; I drive to get there FIRST.
I have really bad road rage and have been known to pull my car over on the side of the road and challenge people to fight.
I slammed my hand so hard on my steering wheel once, in a fit of frustration, that my horn came on and wouldn't go off until someone disconnected it.
I like really loud music and tend to play it with no regard for the neighbors. (They're pretty cool...they get me back by slamming their door and sending their three year old brat outside to play at 7 AM on the weekends.)
I tend to stereotype people in a bad way. That part of me I really can't stand. Like, when I see a group of teenage girls I think, "Oh what a bunch of valley-girl idiots" or when I see a bunch of teenage guys, I assume they are talking about me. When I see people getting pulled over I just assume they're going to jail. Pretty bad.
I have no tolerance, and I mean NONE, for today's top 40 music. I try to forbid my 10 year old to listen to it but I know that won't get me anywhere. But I just can't stand all that hip hop crap. Whatever happened to Motley Crue and Skid Row being on the Top 40? I'd rather hear "Sweet Child O Mine" then "Bet I have you naked by the end of this song". And our kids are listening to this! Agh!
I don't like to get close to people. I have lost three of my childhood friends already, and I don't want to go through it ever again, so I tend to keep people at a distance.
I HATE to clean. HATE IT.
I HATE to cook. I never do it.
I tend to eat Subway in the car and leave the wrappers and trash in it overnight, until the next day when it's 80 degrees out and my car smells like boiled ham.
Uh, I think it goes without saying that sometimes I can be pretty lazy. :)
I am very irritable.
I have no fashion sense.
I hate to have my nails done.
I swear too much.

Okay, that's all I can think of. I'm going to try and think of more. LOL. Posted by Picasa