Thursday, March 02, 2006

Life Is a Gift From God...What You Do With Your Life Is a Gift To God

I love that line. Isn't it great? Read it in a book that I'm reading right now called "Soul of a Black Cop". It's a bunch of stories from a black cop here in Flint. So far, it's not very uplifting. Pretty depressing, actually. Makes me happy to know that I'll be serving this community in the not so distant future.

Okay, here's a list I made up. It's kind of entertaining.


Whiny people

People who ask me questions they already know the answers to

The sound of the phone ringing

Nitpicky detail people

When ordering my chili, I ask for it before the meal. And then it comes out WITH the meal.

People that say "the roads are bad."

The phrase "needless to say". (Although I do use it.)

Fake people

People who are fake for the benefit of others and create false impressions

Being cold

Going through the drive thru. I HATE ordering food

Ordering pizza...I HATE talking to those people

Finding out that my chicken is not fully cooked and is pink inside

Radio stations in the morning. All that laughter. It's so fake and unnecessary. What the FUCK are you assclowns laughing ABOUT?

People who don't like to tip their servers/bartenders, etc

Horror movies

Sci Fi movies


People that don't LISTEN

Bigots, racists, and narrow minded assholes

Anything by Avril Levigne

Dirt on the lenses of my glasses (when I wear them)

Having nothing to wear

People who think they know me

People who expect me to do their jobs for them

Waiting..and waiting...and waiting..and waiting...I have no patience


Anonymous said...

Santa said...

Heya sondra, sorry I haven't been around, I've been swamped with work, and this new little side job I got going, but I'll be around this weekend so you can stop having "witdrawl's" now, but in the meantime, you should try smoking some crack, that should take you're mind off things.....or something, heh heh heh heh !, later's

MissJester said...

Crack? Hmmm...there's an idea. LOL!