Tuesday, December 20, 2005

A Mini Rant and Some Boring Stuff

I was just going through one of my favorite blogs that I had commented on earlier today, to see if anyone else had posted a comment, and one guy actually wrote, "Sondra, I hope that picture of you is not really you because you are really one of the ugliest bitches I have ever seen in my life."

LOL! I think that's funny. I bet that person would not say that to my face, if we were standing nose to nose. I bet he wouldn't say it to my face over the phone. I cannot stand people who are brave over the internet but weaklings in real life. Really. If you have something to say, say it to my face. Don't go out on the internet and try to offend my outer attributes. Be a real human being and take me up on an issue that is legitimate. Of course, in this case, there is no legitimate issue. But still. And I never, ever attack someone on the basis of their looks...that is just stupid and shallow. If I have something to say about someone I attack their character. But I think that's just too deep for some of these morons that post mean stuff on this guy's blog. Enough said. The only reason I'm pissed off is because I know for a fact that this person would never confront me directly with a comment like that. They never do, do they?

Moving on. I have been so busy the last couple of days. I actually got around to painting my hallway, which I have said I was going to do for the last four months. And I did it all in one day. I am so proud, it actually looks pretty nice. I am wrapping up my holiday preparations, which includes some baking, something that I am not good at. I'm really not. But I'm going to do it anyway.

Today, my Dad took me to Wal Mart to buy me a new entertainment center for the 36 inch TV he gave us for Christmas. I really liked the one he picked out and we were all ready to buy it when we came across this really cool chair that sits on the ground. It has speakers on both sides and you can hook it into your video games so that you can comfortably play for hours. I don't play many video games unless you count the original Nintendo system that I picked up at a flea market about a year ago, but my daughter has every game system known to man. She spends very little time playing them, since she has been grounded recently for bad grades, not to mention that I actually hate the thought of her sitting around on her ass playing video games instead of socializing with real people. But this chair was so cool. So, to make a long story short, she got the chair and I still need a new entertainment center.

Well, I'm off to read more blogs........


Anonymous said...

Umm...Sondra, I might be short, but I can whoop some ass... Lemme attem!!!!

Anonymous said...

You're pretty. Fuck them.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I had lunch with mom and dad yesterday and I told them you were coming on Christmas Eve. She said that she will be happy to see you.

MissJester said...

Andy...I know. I am so excited too!

Anonymous...THANK YOU! LOL