Sunday, July 15, 2007

First Weekend

Well, this was my first weekend off from work. It went by pretty fast but I am happy to report that I am not dreading going to work tomorrow. I am actually looking forward to it. I spent a LOT of time being sedentary so sitting around just doesn't appeal to me anymore. I kept busy for most of yesterday. We even traveled to a casino about an hour away to check it out, since we'd never been there. (It sucked! Waste of gas.) But it is that time of the month so I am extremely tired and feeling fat. Today I took a nap and I'm still tired. I want to go back to bed.

The other day I got an email from someone I wished to never talk to again, informing me that two more friends of mine from my childhood are dead. Well one is dead, the other is in a coma. In light of the circumstances, I wrote her back asking for more information. I wasn't angry that she contacted me, just a little surprised. It's like a blast from the past, the past that I want nothing more to do with. I really don't want anything to do with her, either. But I'm glad she at least let me know about my friends.

Well, I have nothing new to report. I am soooo tired and I have a very busy day tomorrow. My day planner and all my paperwork are sitting on my desk in my office so that I won't forget about the little things I have to do. I keep thinking about all the things I could do to tackle them. I'm really looking forward to it, but right now, all I want to do is sleep. So, I'm off to bed. Again.

Mz. Bowailey


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your friends! That is awful!

I miss you!