Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Black and White, Green and Red, Purple and Blue..Its All The Same To Me

I have to make an update, because I haven't done so in a while. The job is going GREAT, I can hardly believe how lucky and blessed I am. I get my business cards in a couple of weeks. I absolutely can't wait to be one hundred percent on the ball, but of course, that will take a while. I wish I could talk about what I do, and maybe someday I will, but if I do, I will have to archive all the older posts that talk about most of the events of last year. That will probably come soon, as I close the door on my old life and become comfortably settled in to my new life. Right now I feel less attached to my past every day, but its still a part of me that I am in the process of exploring. This is so I can understand the person I am becoming today.

Bryan and I are not the same people that I wrote about last year. We could be a study in contrasts, we are so different. We actually have a mutually satisfying relationship based on respect and love for one another. There is no more jealousy or lies. He has matured in ways that I never thought he ever would. I feel like he finally appreciates me. I finally trust him and I trust him to make decisions based in common sense and not just his own selfish motives. And the best part is that there is NO MORE ABUSE, substance or otherwise. He even brought up the subject of marriage a couple of weeks ago, but of course, that is not something either one of us will take lightly. I was just blown away when he said it.

So thats about it for me. I am tired but happy and I do feel a sense of satisfaction that I haven't had in a while and when I organize my thoughts, I will write more specifically about my job and what it entails. I just want to say that I feel blessed and very, very fortunate to be where I am today.


Anonymous said...

Sounds wonderful!

Glad the job is going good for you!
