Thursday, June 29, 2006

Ugh Part II

I ihave to scribble this out real quick before I get into the shower. I have a hangover from hell, and I didn't even drink that much last night. My head is pounding. Tonight, we decided we would go to the casino since it's Bryan's day off. So I need to get ready. Both of our heads hurt and we have no medicine and I still have to go to the bank because I have NO CASH.

I wish my "monthly" would just hurry up and start...I've been feeling nuts lately. Emotions all over the place. There has been NO physical chemistry between me and Bryan this week but I think I know why. It's because we are in my house. Which is kind of cool. Makes me think he's more of a man than some men I know. (NOT you Shawn, you nosy fucker.)

I'm off. I just fed Bryan some baby aspirin (yes I did, shut up) and now I have to get ready to go run our errands but first on the list is EXCEDRIN MIGRAINE.


Anonymous said...

check your messanger for the number

Anonymous said...

you have got to call me on saturday I want you to go with me on sunday to my moms boyfriends retirement party. My bitch sister is going to be there and I might need someone to keep me from stomping her after I drink a few. Bring your new B/F to he looks like hes cool. love ya