Friday, January 26, 2007

Stoned Thoughts

Tonight, I am pleasantly stoned and I found myself going through some of the new videos posted on EBaums World. I like to watch videos of people being punched in the face for absolutely no reason and there's no better place than EBaums World, I swear to God.

So, anyway, I am going through the videos tonight and I see that someone has actually submitted a video of drunken spiders. I fucking hate spiders. I'm scared to death of them. They look evil to me, and they bite. I don't like them, creepy crawly things. Ugh. Yeah.

So I see this video of drunken spiders, and I decide to not check it out, because I am pretty stoned. I hate alcohol and I hate spiders. Right now, I can't think of anything more horrifying than drunken spiders. Seriously.

My second funniest high thought of the day: Today I had a vivid flashback of the day I visited my cousin at her house and while we were outside admiring her beautiful flowers she had planted along the porch, her son, who was about 5 at the time, was riding his scooter along the edge of the driveway and running into some bushes or flowers that she had planted there, I don't remember what they were. Anyway, she warned him to stop doing it a few times, and he definatly kept on doing it. Finally she marched over to him and yanked his scooter away from him and said quite sternly, "I told you to stop doing that! Now you're not going to see this scooter for five days!" Her son stomped his foot, and then to my astonishment, yelled, "You won't remember that!"


Anonymous said...

Funny thing is... I STILL remember that! LOL!
That little "darling" loves to test me out.
Oh, and Jessie now has heelies so her and Hunter are tearing it up at the malls!

Anonymous said...


You pop in and make a post, then disappear for a week.