Thursday, May 11, 2006

Another Rant..or shall I say, WHINE?

I am up late, because due to my recent activities, I was very behind on all my work. I did a ton of work before school today, and then tonight I created a marvelous nine page masterpiece called a RESEARCH paper in about an hour and half's time. Nice, huh? Never mind that all my friends had theirs done WEEKS ago. Suck ups! (Just kidding... you all know I love you!)

I am here to say that I seriously hate stupid people. If you're stupid, I hate you. No wait, I FUCKING hate you. I can't stand people like this. I have one in my family and I love her, but she is so dumb that being around her is a constant exercise in patience. That would be my cousin Elizabeth.

Liz likes to play games. She is a big game player. In fact, her whole life is one big fucking game. She doesn't even have enough common sense to know when to act right. Every time I get mad at her, my grandmother reminds me that she does not possess the intelligence I do and could I imagine living life like that? Well, no...but Jesus, this girl doesn't even have any common sense!

And she lies. OH, does she lie. She lies about more things than George Bush. If lies were money, she'd be handing out food stamps to Bill Gates. Lies, lies, lies. And the funny thing is, she tries to play me. ME! Hahahahahahaha! I love calling her on her dumb shit and making her feel stupid sometimes. It's what I live for.

There is no help for her. She likes the way she is. She doesn't know that normal people do not act the way she does. Her mother is oblivious. Everyone babies her and pampers her and I am sick of it, and most of all, I am sick of being lied to about DUMB SHIT and being used for my money,w hich never used to happen before but is now a standard. Right now I'm sitting here but what I really want to do is beat the shit out of her. Since I can't do that, I'll smoke a cigarette instead.

I hope all stupid people fucking die and have to go to their own afterlife so that other people with common sense can fucking be away from them. Goodnight.