Saturday, March 07, 2009


This is a pic of me that I took yesterday. My hair is SO SO SO long now that it's becoming something of a challenge to find something to do with it. Since I have to wear it up five days out of the week I'm starting to develop a little bit of neck pain, but cut it off? NO WAY! I'm sure Andy remembers what I looked like with SHORT HAIR. Gross!

So I'm off to work this morning. Yesterday was my first night alone in our new house because Alexa went to spend the night at a friend's house. I thought I might be uncomfortable, but I really wasn't. Actually, I came home from dropping Daniel off, sat down on the couch with the remote, and didn't make it past the Preview Guide because I fell asleep promptly at nine. I don't mind, though, because I slept so well and was awake at 5:30. I used to shudder at getting up that early but I've been on day shift for a year now and I find that I really like the mornings. They're quiet and peaceful. I was probably more tired yesterday than I realized because I spent hours deep cleaning the house yesterday morning. Not that it needed it..but it was preventative cleaning. LOL.

I am really happy right now. Happier and more content and peaceful than I've been in a very long time. I like the peace of mind of only having to worry about me and my kid. I am able to keep my house immaculate (like I like it) without too much work because it's only us. I am saving money, doing more things, and going to bed later. (With the exception of last night.) I smile more and I pay more attention to how I look, because when I feel as if I look good, then I feel better about myself. Two nights ago I went to work at like 10 at night to see Daniel, and I ordered a salad. While I was eating, one of our regular customers (who is REALLY cute in my opinion) came up the counter, sat next to me, talked to me and then actually treated me like a lady and paid for my food. I didn't know what to do, it's been so long since anyone (besides Daniel who is the best friend ever) has done anything like that for me, but it made me feel really good.

I am eating better. I haven't had red meat in about two months. I eat a lot of turkey and chicken and eggs. I don't eat ANY heavy, greasy, or fried foods like I have pretty much my whole life. And I DO feel more energetic, less sleepy, and definitely less heavy. I am losing a few pounds here and there. Sometimes I miss my tacos and burgers and fried food, but that shit really hurts my stomach so I avoid it most of the time. I also don't drink a lot of soda..maybe one every two weeks or so. The rest of the time I drink mostly water and sometimes a glass of cranberry or orange juice. I have more energy overall. Now I just need to dig this treadmill out of the corner and get it to working!

I feel so positive about myself right now. Things are looking good. I'm off to work now!

Mz. Bowailey


Andrea said...

yep, I definitely know what it is like to have hair that is so long you can only put it in a braid. LOL!