Monday, November 06, 2006

Just A Short Little Funny Note

I'm going to write a bigger post, probably tomorrow night, to respond to some of the questions and comments in my last entry, but I am so tired tonight that there is no way I could finish it. Also, I have a lot to do. Tomorrow I am hosting a barbecue at my house for Bryan's brother Jeff and his whole family, plus all our friends, will be here. Not to mention I AM NOT READY SINCE BRYAN FAILED TO TELL ME EVERYTHING UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE. So I need to go to sleep so I can get up, clean this whole house, get ready, run a bunch of errands, and get back here in time to start cooking. I can feel the stress already settling in, but at least I don't have to put on airs with them. They're family. If they don't like that I'm not ready when they get here, oh well. If one of them complains, I'll just kindly remind them of a time that THEY had made ME wait. Hmmph.

Anyway, I thought I would share this. Tonight, Bryan and I stopped at Speedway to get some drinks. On our way there, I heard him singing under his breath. I perked up my ears to see what he was singing. You remember that old song by Simon and Garfunkel called "Fifty Ways To Leave Your Lover." You remember that one? "Slip out the back, Jack...make a new plan, need to be coy, Roy...just get yourself free....hop on the bus, Gus...don't need to discuss much, just drop off the key, Lee...and get yourself free." (I think those are the words, someone let me know if I'm wrong, I am just too tired to look it up right now, LOL) Anyways, he's sitting there singing that song and I cannot believe my ears when he replaces the word "Gus" with "Cuz." As in, "Cousin." As in ghetto ass gangster style "Cuz". I started laughing hysterically but just to be sure, I asked him to sing it again. Looking a little confused, he sang it again and sure enough, I heard it loud and clear: "Hop on the bus, cuz." While wiping away my tears of hysterical laughter, I said, "Honey, you know that's not what he really says, don't you?"

"No," he said.

"He says 'Gus', not 'cuz' ," I told him.

Offended, he replied, "Well, that's what I thought he said. Who cares anyway? Maybe I don't know anyone named Gus and maybe I want my cousin to get on the bus."

I was still shaking my head when he went into the store and it probably took a full five minutes before I stopped laughing at that one. That's Bryan humor for you. Senseless, stupid, but ALWAYS funny.

***Andy, I know you enjoyed that one.


Anonymous said...

Tell him that he is "counterjudging" himself!


I needed that today!

Oh, God... I love you, Sondra!