Saturday, October 28, 2006

A Plea For Help

Although it may not be as serious as it sounds,I have a dilemma that I am dealing with right now and I need some outside advice. It's kind of been bothering me lately, so I thought it might be a good idea to make it public and see if I can get some kind of insight.

I have always flown through life by the seat of my pants and I can be very spontaneous. I like being able to do what I want, when I want, and I usually do. Alexa has trailed behind me for years on all my journeys, and we've had some good times and some bad times. When I decided to move back to Michigan last year, I promised her stability and consistency. No more moving. That's why we bought a house. Same school until she graduates. All of that. And at first, it was easy, because this is where I wanted to be. But I find myself often questioning that decision. I don't know if this is the right place for me to be right now.

This is my birthplace and this is my home, but I am not so sure if it's a good thing to be here. There is absolutely no future in this town. There is no market for any kind of business, and even though they talk about revamping Flint's image to make it appear as if its a cutesy little college town, that idea has never quite taken off. It is ugly, it is mismanaged, and it is very, very poor. I look around here at a place that literally has NO WORK. Sure, you can get an education here, but you can do nothing with it.

Florida has been on my mind, and it has nothing to do with the impending cold. I enjoy fall, it is my favorite season. But there is a scent to the air there, an atmosphere of success, that is not here in Flint. People struggle everywhere, but in Pensacola the struggle was eased by the atmosphere and the low cost of living, combined with no state income taxes. Work was plentiful in the service industry. People struggled, and people stressed, but it still is NOTHING like here. My life seems to be literally be stalled in neutral, and it's because I have reached an impasse in my life and I don't know where to go. The truth is, I want to go back to Florida. I have family and friends there, and a guaranteed job, should I choose to return. Plus, I WANT to be there.

But then again, I have to think about Alexa. She is secure and comfortable with her little group of friends, and they are already making plans for their junior and senior proms. (LOL) I hate to move her YET AGAIN just when she is probably starting to finally feel a little grounded. But I already worry about the quality of some of the friends she has; and I know it will only get worse in high school. I want to live a peaceful life, as far away from these negative lifestyles as I can. But I just worry so much about my timing. Alexa is in that stage of emotional development where she NEEDS to feel a bit more secure and a bit more grounded; its crucial to the development of her self esteem. But I feel that I might very well go absolutely fucking crazy if I have to stay here one more minute. I feel like I'm living my life running in place. I HAVE NOWHERE TO GO. I JUST KEEP GOING DOWN, DOWN, DOWN. I HATE it here, and I'm starting to hate myself. When I was in Florida, I gained a strong sense of self, became responsible, hard working, and independent, made good career choices, and GREW UP. Right now, I feel like I'm living MY life in REVERSE. Does this make sense? So I am torn between moving her and suffering the consequences later, or sticking it out and suffering until she graduates. I do not know what to do.

I would love some advice on this. I'm not talking about upping and leaving right now; I am thinking maybe more toward the summer. I don't want to pull Alexa out of school for it. But if I am going to do it I need to start planning now. I need a house, I need to sell THIS house, arrangements with my job, etc. I wish I could be set free right now, but I also know that good things come to those who wait. And I'm waiting.


Anonymous said...

Go back to Florida. do you want her working hard for a future that she cant have here? this place is a hell hole and when i get my chance we are gone!!

Anonymous said...


You asked for it... you got it...

You of all people know what it is like to NOT have a stable home to rely on.
Isnt that how Alexa came to be in the first place?
I love you and I would hate to see you go, but if you must go, then you need to...but- it does not make me happy to see you being this selfish. You are not putting Alexa first in your decisions here. You are still only thinking of yourself.
As far as the people that you live near, you DO have control over the types of people you associate with. That is YOUR choice...nobody elses.

Right now, I am so frustrated with you and this whole Bryan situation. Forget about him for ONCE and concentrate on your daughter. Put the focus on her. I wish I could just take Alexa off your hands so you could worry about your little boyfriend without worrying about her. She deserves better than what you are giving her right now. She deserves your full undivided attention and she never gets it because BRYAN is always in your face, or playing some stupid mind game with you, and you buy into it every time. Who is the immature one in the relationship? BOTH OF YOU.
Poor Alexa.
Her life has been nothing but being bounced around by a mother who doesnt give enough of a rat's ass to even take care of herself let alone a child.
How many nights does she sit alone while her mom is out at the bar or out bingeing on drugs or booze, or out chasing some dork around with her car while fighting with him? HOW MANY NIGHTS does Alexa get the joy of your company to sit and watch a movie, or play a card game, or have you do her hair and let her play with yours?
You missed out on having a mother, and you know how it feels to have that emptiness WHY are you doing the same thing to her? WHY?

I am your cousin, and I love you, and I am always here for you to talk to, but I am about to put my shit kickers on and come looking for you and Bryan.

My advice to you is...
1. Tell Bryan to FUCK OFF, forget he ever existed and start living for your daughter instead of for him.
2. Stop moving around trying to find your happiness in new places (or old ones) and try to find happiness within your own self.
3. Start giving Alexa the attention and love and stability she deserves.
4. Stop hanging out all night. Period.
5. Clean it up! You know what I mean.


MissJester said...

Damn. My ears are ringing. I feel like they've been slapped. I'll write an entry about this later :) Thanks for the honesty, Andy. You know I appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sondra
The thing is that you have no idea who the I am.
I read your blog daily and I feel as if I KNOW you.
I am not judging you, but I feel that Andy is the voice of reason and boy she tells it like it is. LOL!
I know you are taking her advice to heart.......please, please listen, then listen to your heart and find the answer within.
You have been blessed with a beautiful daughter that deserves the stability of a selfless mother
who lives her life for & with her daughter.
You can tell me to go to hell, you don't know me......
God bless and best wishes!

MissJester said...

Ms Cherie
No way would I tell you to go to hell. I am a realist and I know that by putting my life in a public forum I am opening myself up to opinions I may not agree with, or may not want to hear. Andy is my cousin and has known me all of my life, and yes, she IS QUITE the voice of reason, isn't she? LOL Thanks so much for reading. I look forward to your comments. :) Thank you for your support.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sondra-Thanks for your reply.
I do have a couple of questions.
1. Have you talked to Alexa about moving to Florida? She may be all for it.
2. Would you be taking Bryan with you? Or is he 1 of the reasons to leave?
I quess I have another question, are you currently going to school & how is that going?

Anonymous said...

I know Alexa is comfortable with her friends and school right now, but how comfortable is she going to be when those friends and high school don't matter anymore and her future does?? What is going on right now, dances, friends, shit like that, it's not going to matter in a couple years. Plus making the change and move now, when she is about to enter high school, is MUCH better than waiting until after she already has.

And Sondra you know just as well as I do that you are NO good to her if YOU are not happy. She needs you at this age more than ever, and if you are stressed out and unhappy you WILL NOT be able to support her emotionally the way she needs to be supported.

Forget everything and everyone else, think about you and your daughter. Where will you BOTH have a better chance at a happy fufilled life???

Anonymous said...

I too was a single mom with the same feelings at one time and I can tell you this....MOVE!!! Its time to think about your child and in order to make her life stable and happy YOU and only you have to get your act together.Its not fair for her seeing you running around acting a fool over somebody and letting yourself slide downhill for a man.I am not trying to sound like a total bitch but its time to pull it together and put her first.I think you have had the shit kicked out of you in the life department but I hope you move,turn it around and make a fantastic life for you both.I lived a life like yours at one time and chucked it,moved 2000 miles away from the only place I called home with my kid to start anew and today life is great.Please have a heart to heart with your daughter and forget everything and every one else them start from there.If your "boyfriend" really cares about you he will understand and help you and stick with you but I think putting some distance between you and your current surroundings with be a big first step.I do think you can go far in life but you have to figure out what is more important,your life there with all the bad karma and drama or starting over again with your daughter and making a new life in some place that will let you be your best.I wish you well and trust me,its gonna suck and be sad and lonely but it will work,your a ballsy girl so push forward

Anonymous said...

PS, you cousin is right on the money,LISTEN TO HER!!!If oyu would like,feel free to email me.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I am back to say more.

Sorry to do this in a public forum, but it made you stop and think, didn't it? That is what I was hoping for.

Think about the beginning of Alexa's life. Foster homes, abuse, being bounced around from home to home, place to place. Never having a stable environment to call home. Then, you came
back into her life and it seemed to continue. She lived with Rachel for a while when you were "away" and then you came back again. In and out, in and out. That was the first...what?...3-4 years of her life?
How many places have you moved looking for happiness only to be let down by the "people" you surround yourself with? Let's see... Fenton, Arlington Street,Kentucky, Florida, Fenton, and now Florida again...? That is alot of moving and readjusting for a little girl. I know she is not small anymore, but she is still a little girl.

When I told you that you were being selfish and not putting her first, I meant exactly what indycitygirl was talking about. How many of those times that you moved did you sit down with Alexa and ask her thoughts on anything? Did you actually talk to her, or TELL her exactly how it was going to be?

You have been so hungry to get more out of life and find adventure in order to escape reality, that you have let the important things (meaning Alexa) go by the wayside.

I know you, Sondra... I know you are hurting and scared and pissed off most of the time, but if you just step back, shut out all of the "noise" from the outside world and re-evaluate your decisions and the direction your life is taking, you might hear a different voice inside yourself.

That voice...that quiet whisper that wants to be heard... that is the voice of reason. You have buried it and ignored it, but it is still there.

You are thoughtful and loving. I know. You have helped me out when I was desperate and you didnt blink an eye. I know the sweet, loving, intelligent you the way that nobody else does.
I miss that part of you. I don't like this raging, self hating, drug abusing, party animal that runs wild with reckless abandon that you have become at the expense of your family. Me included.

I want you to be happy. I want Alexa to be taken care of...not just well, but wonderfully. I know you are capable.

Please call me soon, okay?

I love you more than you will ever know.


Anonymous said...

Again Sondra, I so agree with Andy. (Andy. YOU are awesome!)
Think about this old saying:


You can go to paradise, but it will turn into the same old BS, unless you free yourself, mind, body, & soul of the things that haunt you & make you fall into the same old pattern. If Florida was so wonderful why did you move back here? What were you running from in Florida?
I am not saying don't move; if Alexa is for it...go for it. But you must have a heart to heart with her & listen to her wishes.
If you move to make a fresh start, then honestly make a FRESH start, make Alexa your partner your #1 priority. No more partying, drinking, or drugs. You must set an example. These are Alexa's most impressionable years.
I will stop now.
I'm sure your head is spinning from everyone's advice.
Thanks for listening.
Best wishes!