Saturday, September 24, 2005

So, anyway. Here I am, joining the fellow legion of bloggers everywhere to rant and rave about what pisses me off. I am here because I got completely addicted to That guy is a fabulously gifted writer and I read through his entire blog in one day.

Through the waiter, I got addicted to I love this guy because he's incredibly honest and real in his posts. You gotta love that in a world full of blogs that do nothing but blow sunshine up your ass.

Through the insane waiter, I got addicted to I am still reading through this one, but I love it.

And no, just for the record, I am not a waiter, although I was one in another lifetime. (Four years ago). Loved the work, which is why I can relate to my fellow servers. I have sinced joined the ranks of the stuffy professional, but trust me, I am no yuppie. Do I look like one?

I have had a lot of what I think are unusual life experiences, and those that are not unsual are at least going to be funny. I love to write and I love to read even more, so I will be on here as frequently as possible. I am still learning my way around, so bear with me as I may do or say something stupid, or forget to do something that I should have done. I am really looking forward to this. Right now, I currently have a blog on Yahoo, but it's not getting much exposure, mostly because when I invite people to view it that are not Yahoo members, Yahoo harasses them into creating an account just so they can see my journal. Most people don't want to be bothered with that, which is understandable.

So, a little bit about me. I am 28 years young, married (almost 3 years), and have an almost 12 year old child. Yes, that's right. I had her when I was sixteen. Long story, definitely unusual, and will make a good blog entry. I am overweight as a result of a thyroid disease, and, I'll admit it, a love for food. I have been in the staffing industry for years. This means I worked in an office and found people jobs. Some of my stories are going to center around the people I've met in this business, but, of course, I will change names to protect the identity of the innocent. Currently, I am a housewife/soccer mom/student at Baker College. (I have been working on my degree now for almost two years. Will I EVER finish??) I experienced a lot of angst trying to find a job here in Michigan, but now I see that returning to school is the most beneficial route for me to take at this point in my life. I love music, especially the 80's, and I absolutely hate Top 40. I swear like a drunken sailor because I like it, and I always have. I can handle criticism very well, but don't try and attack me because I'll come back on you with a vengeance. I hate people who are mean just for the sake of being mean, and I detest people who think their asses need to be kissed. I am extremely liberal, politically and otherwise, and have no tolerance for ignorance at all. I am open to suggestions and respect everyone's opinions, as long as they are presented to me in a rational manner. Oh, and I have a bunch of eyebrow rings and 6 tattoos. I am not angry at all, although I suspect that someone at some point will leave a comment stating that I am a very angry person. (I get this a lot).

I moved to Florida in 2002 to escape this area. This is a very bad area with an awful job market, and I had just broken up with my long term boyfriend in July of 2002. Two weeks after that, my best friend, Heather, passed away. I moved to Pensacola in August, secured a great job there, made a lot of new friends and then met my husband in January of 2003.

Then the hurricanes started.

We lived through Ivan last year, and I decided I wasn't going to do that again, so Shawn and I moved back up to Michigan in July of this year. We bought a house and live across the street from a lake in a neat little suburban area. I have reconnected with all of my old friends and I am extremely happy with my life, more happy than when I was in Florida. I am very busy and have a lot of fun. Life is good.

So I'll be back with some story or another. I probably won't actually start advertising this blog around until I post a few more entries. I am looking for comments, people...good or bad. Lurkers are also welcome, of course. Looking forward to this.....

Oh, and this picture defines my persona to a tee. Don'tcha just love it?