Saturday, January 12, 2013

So this is what I look like today. Well, not actually today because this pic was taken a few days ago, but still. I have grown quite attached to this silver streak that has made its appearance in my hair. Can you see it? It's in my bangs. It looks like a streak that was put there on purpose. Creuella Deville? I think not.

So I have plans for this upcoming year that, quite frankly, scare the shit out of me. First off, I am moving out of state again, reluctantly. In order to save money we are moving in with Curtis's sister for a year. She lives in Aurora, Illinois. So, this is where we are going.

I am a Michigan girl through and through, so leaving here again is breaking my heart. But we need a better quality of life for ourselves and for Josh; Flint, MI doesn't quite cut it. We are leaving in March. I am in the process of eating all the coneys I can get my hands on. Chicago coneys are nothing like Flint coneys, and I will miss them. But that's about all I will miss. There's nothing left for me here, not with Alexa being in Florida and Memo being gone forever. When I wake up in the middle of the night scared to tears at the thought of moving, I just remind myself that there's nothing left here to hold on to and it is time to go.

Curtis has a guaranteed job, and I will probably start classes for nursing and/or wait tables in the meantime. That's if I can find a waitressing job...I am kind of getting old and my options are limited. I just can't wait to get this over with and get down there and see what opportunities may await me. I should have bettered my life years ago, when I had umpteen million chances. When I started this blog I had it better than I ever had it,and for many years afterward, I just never knew it. Now I know what it's really like to struggle, to have to count change to buy diapers and to go without any kind of transportation at all and have to depend on people for everything. I could have never envisioned this kind of life for myself, but I have to admit, that I did see it coming, I just didn't how to face it head on. I am tired of just barely surviving.

So, now I get to see where this new life is going to take us. I hope 2013 turns out to be my year!