Thursday, February 05, 2009

Step 1

Well, I did it. I didn't think I would but I did. I found a nice, affordable place for just Alexa and I and put the deposit down on it last week. I am waiting for my taxes to get back to me so I can pay my first month and start moving in!

One of my goals this year was to become more organized. I had the last two days off, so I spent them cleaning out all this JUNK that I have accumulated over the years. Yesterday I cleaned the kitchen out and the bathroom pantry. Today I cleaned out the storage room in our garage. It was a mess! I ended up filling up our garbage can and the whole back deck with trash. Junk. Useless papers and stuff that I don't use. But I am forcing myself to get rid of all this SHIT. I have no room for it in my new life!

I am sleeping better. Bryan is now sleeping on the couch so I have my big old bed to myself. Today when I woke up I realized that for once I had absolutely nothing to worry about. It was so refreshing! We all went to breakfast and then I worked in the garage all day. It feels so good to accomplish things.

I found a box of papers that I put aside to go through after I got done cleaning stuff out. I sat down with them and started going through them. It was all my homework from my very first semester of college FIVE YEARS AGO. It doesn't seem that long ago. I started at them for a long time, at the neat little columns of numbers and gibberish. I started thinking about what I was doing five years ago; going to school, working, and going to the gym five days a week. I was happy and positive, for the most part. Suddenly, my heart started to ache, ache badly, for how fast five years have just slipped by. I put my hands on the cool papers and suddenly felt connected to that part of myself. The part of myself that desires an education, that worked so hard for that A+ average and to get on the Presiden't list. I set goals, cleared the obstacles, and worked hard. I don't know if I have the right words exactly to explain how it felt. Like I was touching a part of my soul that hadn't been tapped in a long time...the part that knows how to take care of me.

Bryan and Daniel found an apartment, too...and it's right across the street from work and about 2 miles from me. I'm kind of glad. Even though I don't want to live with Bryan anymore, I kind of want him around just so I know he's going to be okay. As long as he doesn't depend on me anymore, I might actually enjoy being around him. Right now, we work together WAY better than we live together. Anyway, he put the deposit down on a two bedroom for him and Daniel and it's not too bad!

Everyone in this house is excited. We are all looking forward to the next chapter of our lives. And then imagine my joy when I read my outlook for the year. Here it is:

Snake Overview

The Snake has an incredibly favorable year ahead. The year of the Ox provides many opportunities for the Snake to fulfill long awaited career goals and achieve more than he/she ever imagined. Your wisdom and patience are tools that prove successful in all aspects of your life. Relationships could be taken to new heights and deep and meaningful friendships are acquired. This year proves to be one of action, the year that all of your planning and waiting pay off for you. The later months prove to be especially successful, tying a year of arduous work into an extremely blissful culmination.

Snake Rating

79% (10 favorable and 2 neutral months)

Snake Career

Your wisdom proves to be most resourceful this year, particularly in your career endeavors. Colleagues will admire your input and your opinion will be well respected among business circles. Your work will take you to new levels in your career, as you may see a promotion or a position change that offers you a direction that is more suitable to your skills. March, April and May are strong months for a career change or an upswing in your current position. Be prepared for an outstanding year in your work and don't be surprised if everything you do results in success

Snake Relationships

The Snake's social life will bring a high amount of satisfaction to you this year, as will your family life. Though you tend to be more of a loner, this year will provide occasions that may bring you out of your shell. You have always been a good listener and you will benefit from being more assertive in social situations. More to the point, you may be thrown into a position to be more assertive, rather than volunteering. Your quick thinking will prove to be most useful. Single Snakes may find the romantic relationship they seek, as romance is favored.

Snake Health

The Snake will not suffer any more than minor health issues, but you may want to watch what you eat and make it a point to exercise more often, as these may be areas that you tend to neglect. Your busy work schedule and social endeavors may make it difficult to maintain a regular schedule of exercise, but you can find time here and there to do something active. This will help your heart and may relive stress from a long work week.

Snake Wealth

The Snake will do well with your conservative approach to spending. You have always been disciplined in your finances and this year proves to be no different. If you maintain your frugal manner, you will find that you have accumulated enough by the end of the year to make a large purchase that you have been planning for a long time. If you are in doubt about a particular endeavor, don't hesitate to receive a second opinion before committing.

How's that for accurate?

Mz Bowailey


Anonymous said...

Its funny that the snake wealth thing said something about getting a second opinion before getting roped in on a "good investment" because I have been reading that in my horoscope for several days now! We are both snakes, I guess I should pay attention to that, eh?